Wednesday, August 09, 2006

¿Qué pasa?

Yeah, what is happening? We apologize for beeing lazy when it comes to writing posts...
La vida seriosa (our own translation of "the serious life") continues. Lisa is studying, last week she actually discovered a form of grammar that she had never seen in her entire life(!) Ida is still trying to learn computerprograms and different kinds of hard-and software for her new job. Do not call the Citibank costumerservice in the near future. There is a chance that a very confused Ida will receive your call.

Time really flies here. We have started to think that Barcelona has its own time-zone where the hours are as short as minutes. Lisa will soon have studied 3 weeks and there are only one week or so until Ida´s education is over and she´ll have to start working for real.

Promise to post a new post as soon as possible. When things have calmed down a little. Right now it´s all about surviving two more days. Then we´ll have our reward, 2 days off. It´s funny how you have to be busy to really appreciate having time off.
Thanks for the comments. --- Hasta luego

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