Monday, November 13, 2006

Let´s trash the apartment!

... it happened to be our apartment...
Well, it didn´t get toatally destroyed. We just had a night of complete chaos (Yup Malin, Chaos not catastrophe, I know the difference). Ida, Lisa, Eva and Linda decided that it was time for the moving in party that we had been talking about for some time now. About 2 months to be a little more specific. So we invited some friends and some friends of friends over on friday night. It was a lot of fun, our tiny place was filled with people of diferent kinds and nationalities. Some people from work, some people from school, some people from next door, some people from the street... (just kidding mum).

We re-arranged some furniture and carried our kitchen table out of the kitchen to make some room for all the people. Lots of people it was- but nothing got broken or anything, which might easily be the case when you push lots of people into a small apartment.
When we woke up at around 13.00 Eva had basically cleaned the whole place. I never thought that It´d look normal again when we had breakfast after arriving from Club Catwalk in the early hours...

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