Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Latest News

Here it is the latest news from Barcelona...
Life goes on and time flies. We asked eachother what really happened to last week. The days feels like minutes here since there is always something going on. Ida has now got a job, working part-time in a restaurant in Port Olimpic here in town. Lisa will start studying in 3 weeks, so she actually had to say no to a job offer from the Sedish company Transcom.

We´re still doing the usual stuff, like going to the beach or the gym. It kind of feels good to have some kind of "normal life" with a job here. Lisa will definetly get a normal life with routines when her course starts since it goes on untill December.

This friday we (Lisa, Ida and Malin) brought our new friend Anja, a Polish girl who stays in one of the other rooms in our flat, and Lisa, a Swedish girl who is gonna study the course with Lisa, for a girls night out. We went to a bar downtown and after that to the Club Razzmatazz. If not the biggest, at least one of the biggest clubs in Barcelona. 5000 people can party in there at once. Razzmatazz was cool, a little expensive to get in and it was very hot... we had to spend a lot of time on the terrace in order to not melt away. But except that.. very nice.

After a friday at Razzmatazz, the saturday night became more tranquila. Lisa and Malin stayed in watching the soccer. Ida joined them after she had quit working. That´s so nice with this city. If you want to go out, you can do it any day of the week. So just staying in on a Saturday night chatting, playing cards and eating chocolate is sometimes just as good.


Anonymous said...

Tjena tjejer! Hör att Barcelona tar väl hand om er, eller tvärtom :)
Själv är jag nyss hemkommen från en vild och skitrolig 20-års fest i Josses stuga. Är trött och myggbiten, men "kung på kvällen, kung dan efter"! Ha det så bra!

Anonymous said...

Hej Ida!

Jag var i Sundsvall förra veckan och hälsade på Doris, farmor Karin, din mamma och syster. Agge grillade supergod entrecote och bjöd på smarrig paj till efterrätt. Jag var chaufför åt föräldrarna hem till Doris sen, men kunde lika gärna ha rullat ut till Alnö :)

Kul att du fått jobb, då stannar du kanske kvar i Barca ett tag och man kan hälsa på framöver? Kram kram!

JDS said...

Is Anja still with you? If so, could you ask her if she knows a Polish girl called "Paulina" (who has a sister called Agnes). And if she does, could she ask Paulina to send John in UK a text, please