The Cava before it becomes Cava
We´ve been visiting the cava producers Freixenet and Codorniu, in the Penedés district here in Catalunya. Not at the same time though... Lisa went to Codorniu with her school, and Ida to Freixenet with her family. Nice trips, both of them. It´s facinating to see the old wine cellars, where it´s dark, mouldy and you can really smell the cava. We got the grand tour (yup, like real tourists.. even got to go on a mini-train ride) and got to see how cava originally was invented and produced. It was also cool to see the how he cava is produced today- The process is slightly different. Lot less man, lot more machines.
Wow, inklämde mellan 3 skönheter och med en väl kyld cava i handel, då är livet underbart.
Åh, tjocka släkten! En härlig syn! Syns att vi är släkt, lika snygga allihopa! ;)
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